SEO 101: What is SEO and How Does it Work?

What is SEO?

If you’re a small business owner, you’ve likely heard of SEO, or search engine optimization. But what is SEO, and how does it work? As it turns out, the answer isn’t quite so simple—but we can break it down for you in three easy steps. Read on to discover everything you need to know about Search Engine Optimization!


Steps to building your SEO presence

Step One: Researching Keywords
The first step of any successful SEO campaign is keyword research. In today’s world, people rely on search engines to find information that they need. Which means there are certain words and phrases that will be used more often than others. To make sure your website is seen by the right people, you need to include these keywords in your content. This helps search engines understand what topics your website covers, as well as how relevant it might be for certain searches.

Step Two: Building Links
Once you’ve done your keyword research, the next step is link building. This involves adding links from other websites back to yours. When a website links back to yours from their page, that sends a signal to search engines that your website might be a good source of information.This can help boost your rankings! Just remember to keep an eye on the quality of links; if they come from questionable sources or are irrelevant to your business, this could actually hurt your ranking instead of helping it.

Step Three: Creating Content
Finally, creating content specifically tailored for SEO purposes can go a long way in improving your visibility online. By writing interesting blog posts or articles with carefully-chosen keywords and linking back to other credible sources (like we discussed before), you can make sure that anyone who comes across your website will stay engaged with what they see—and hopefully become a customer!

As you can see, SEO isn’t necessarily rocket science—but it does require some careful planning and thoughtfulness in order for it to be effective. By taking the time to research keywords and build strong links back to other websites (as well as creating great content!), you can make sure that search engines see your website as an authority in whatever field you specialize in—and that can mean more clicks, views and customers for your business! So don’t wait—BUY THE COURSE!

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